Admonishing Job

from $25.00

Original Acrylic Painting

Job 40: 6-10

6 Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:

7 “Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.

8 “Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right?

9 Are you as strong as God? Can you thunder with a voice like his?

10 All right, put on your glory and splendor, your honor and majesty.

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Original Acrylic Painting

Job 40: 6-10

6 Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:

7 “Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.

8 “Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right?

9 Are you as strong as God? Can you thunder with a voice like his?

10 All right, put on your glory and splendor, your honor and majesty.

Original Acrylic Painting

Job 40: 6-10

6 Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:

7 “Brace yourself like a man, because I have some questions for you, and you must answer them.

8 “Will you discredit my justice and condemn me just to prove you are right?

9 Are you as strong as God? Can you thunder with a voice like his?

10 All right, put on your glory and splendor, your honor and majesty.